
WP1 – Revue et analyse des système d’évaluation et des critères de durabilité existants appliqués à la bio-économie

Montrer WP1Mois: 1-9
Tâche 1.1 Screening existing certification initiatives.
Tâche 1.2 Screening of existing technical standards for sustainability assessment; screening of existing technical database solutions and selection of interfaces within the entire chain of custody and the certification schemes.
Tâche 1.3 Selection of value chains for further analysis.
Tâche 1.4 Identification of case studies and Stakeholders.

WP2 – Analyse environnementale (partie amont de la chaine de valeur)

Montrer WP2Mois: 1-36
Tâche 2.1 Literature review of environmental indicators considered in related bio-based products studies.
Tâche 2.2 System boundaries for upstream environmental assessment of bio-based products.
Tâche 2.3 Selection of strategic environmental sustainability indicators and associated impact categories.
Tâche 2.4 Life Cycle Inventory for feedstock production and upstream processing.
Tâche 2.5 Major environmental impacts associated with feedstock production and upstream processing.

WP3 – Analyse environnementale (partie aval de la chaine de valeur)

Montrer WP3Mois: 1-36
Tâche 3.1 Connecting circular economy policies to LCA.
Tâche 3.2 Framework for the downstream environmental assessment.
Tâche 3.3 Methodology to assess the environmental sustainability of end-of-life options.

WP4 – Analyse techno-économique

Montrer WP4Mois: 1-36
Tâche 4.1 Techno-economic sustainability analysis of resource efficiency for bio-based products.
Tâche 4.2 Integrated techno-economic sustainability analysis of conversion routes to bio-based products.
Tâche 4.3 Techno-economic sustainability analysis of end-of-life alternative valorisation options.
Tâche 4.4 Definition of techno-economic sustainability criteria for bio-based products.
Tâche 4.5 Techno-economic sustainability case studies for selected bio-based products.

WP5 – Analyse de marché

Montrer WP5Mois: 5-28
Tâche 5.1 Identification and overview of sustainability assessment factors (possible preferences).
Tâche 5.2 Determination of relevant acceptance drivers for consumers (e.g. public procurement) & producers/businesses of bio-based products.
Tâche 5.3 Market pull of specific proposed measures.

WP6 – Analyse sociale

Montrer WP6Mois: 1-32
Tâche 6.1 Identification of value items.
Tâche 6.2 Stakeholder mapping and analysis and ‘value items’ validation.
Tâche 6.3 Impact categories and indicators for S-LCA.
Tâche 6.4 Development of social and socio-economic criteria and indicators for end-of life analysis.
Tâche 6.5 Actions to promote social acceptance.

WP7 – Analyse du risque de changements indirects d’utilisation des terres (iLUC) pour les produits bio-sourcés

Montrer WP7Mois: 3-36
Tâche 7.1 Examination of existing ILUC approaches and their application to bio-based materials.
Tâche 7.2 Land Use Change assessment for case studies of bio-based products.
Tâche 7.3 Social Acceptance of ILUC proposed indicators and recommendations for land use policies.

WP8 – Blueprint du système de durabilité pour les produits bio-sourcés

Montrer WP8Mois: 6-36
Tâche 8.1 Defining recommendations on the current sustainability standards for bio-based products.
Tâche 8.2 Amplification of the criteria, indicators and tools addressing environmental aspects of sustainability standard for bio-based products.
Tâche 8.3 Amplification of the criteria, indicators and tools addressing socio-economic aspects of sustainability standard for bio-based products.
Tâche 8.4 Coherence of defined criteria, categories and indicators for sustainability standards of bio-based products with UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and other ongoing trends to certification of sustainability.
Tâche 8.5 Blueprint of the standard for the certification scheme proposed.
Tâche 8.6 Blueprint of rules managing the certification scheme.
Tâche 8.7 Analysis of fast-track documentation of European standards for bio-based products.

WP9 – Analyse des réglementations, politiques publiques et initiatives d’éco-éttiquetage

Montrer WP9Mois: 4-35
Tâche 9.1 Analysis of existing policies, strategies and regulations.
Tâche 9.2 Assessing (eco)labels and Standards.
Tâche 9.3 Analysis of the applicability of the proposed sustainability schemes in the current regulatory framework.
Tâche 9.4 Links to bio-based economy monitoring activities.
Tâche 9.5 Policy analysis for the creation of a level playing field.

WP10 – Transmission du savoir, formation et dissémination

Montrer WP10Mois: 1-36
Tâche 10.1 Communication, Dissemination, Networking and Outreach Coordinator (CoDNOC) appointment; formulate communication and dissemination strategy; define brand identity.
Tâche 10.2 Information and tools sharing through dedicated website and social media.
Tâche 10.3 Stakeholders consultation and continuous involvement.
Tâche 10.4 Formulate Data Management Plan (DMP).
Tâche 10.5 Organisation of workshops and events for effective results dissemination and knowledge transfer.
Tâche 10.6 Publication of STAR-ProBio’ s results.

WP11 – Gestion de projet et coordination

Montrer WP11Mois: 1-36
Tâche 11.1 Schedule/co-ordinate kick-off meeting.
Tâche 11.2 Project Manager (PM) and Project Management Committee (PMC) appointment.
Tâche 11.3 External Advisory Board (EAB) appointment.
Tâche 11.4 External Review Committee (ERC) appointment and quality assurance.
Tâche 11.5 Administrative and financial project management.
Tâche 11.6 Scientific project management.
Tâche 11.7 Communication project management.

WP12 – Exigences éthiques

Montrer WP12Mois: 1-36
Livrable 12.1 POPD – Requirement No. 1