#BLOG_A new bioeconomy strategy for a sustainable Italy

The updated version of the Italian bioeconomy strategy has just been published!

Among other things, the document highlights the importance of promoting the use of sustainability standards, certification schemes and labels to support the bio-based market and the creation of a ‘level playing field’ between bio-based products and conventional products.

In this regard, the strategy explicitly refers to STAR-ProBio and the work it is conducting. A great result for our project!

Click here to download the updated version of the document.

#BLOG_The European Bioeconomy Network

Promoted by the BIOVOICES project and launched in May 2018, the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) is a proactive alliance of EU funded projects dealing with bioeconomy promotion, communication and support.

The main goal of the European Bioeconomy Network is to maximise the efforts, increasing the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events.

Interested to join the EuBioNet? Please click here for further details.

#BLOG_Two interesting activities of the RoadToBio project!

Nine identified bio-based opportunities for the Chemical Industry

In the BBI-funded project RoadToBio with the main goal to develop a Roadmap to show the path to increase the bio-based share up to 25%  in the chemical industry until 2030, nine business cases that exemplify the possibilities for the chemical industry to produce more bio-based products have been identified. For further information please follow the link and listen to a webinar held by the consortium on July 11 to present these business cases.

Link: https://www.roadtobio.eu/index.php?page=webinars


Survey “Key barriers and hurdles on bio-based products – what is your opinion?”

RoadToBio wants to offer you the possibility to express your opinion on important barriers to bio-based products that hinder market uptake. Be part of the journey into a bioeconomy-based future. How? Complete the survey by the 31st August and return it back to the RoadToBio consortium.

For more information: https://www.roadtobio.eu/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=22&cntnt01origid=5&cntnt01returnid=5

#BLOG_Invitation to participate in STAR-ProBio’s Delphi survey

STAR-ProBio’s work package on market assessment includes the identification and overview of sustainability assessment factors from the point of view of consumers. The market assessment builds upon foresight methods, such as focus group activities and a three-round Delphi study to identify the demand for new sustainability criteria that are easily understood by the different consumer groups and relevant to their needs. The Delphi survey was implemented in May 2018. It addresses two main groups of stakeholders: professionals and end-consumers.

Your opinion, dear reader, is much appreciated. Therefore, we would like to invite you to participate in the survey.

Link to the survey for professionals: https://inno.limequery.com/999623

Link to the survey for end-consumers: https://inno.limequery.com/773451

We are looking forward to receiving your input.


BIOWAYS project launched BIOWATCH, an online, interactive platform that provides projects in the bioeconomy sector with a free service to position themselves alongside one another and communicate their results directly to industry, political stakeholders, the media and the general public in an engaging and accessible format.

The overall aim of BIOWATCH is to raise awareness of bio-based projects and bio-products, and also promote further collaboration between research bodies, organisations and universities.

In this online research library, projects are presented in the form of multi-media digital brochures, named SEEDs. Please click here to see STAR-ProBio SEED.

#BLOG_STAR-ProBio launched!

STAR-ProBio – a multi-actor collaborative Research and Innovation Action (RIA) coordinated by Unitelma Sapienza University and including 15 partners from 11 European countries – has been awarded three-year Horizon 2020 funding.

The STAR-ProBio project is pleased to announce the launch of its 3-years activities starting on May 2017.

STAR-ProBio supports the European Commission in the full implementation of European policy initiatives, including the Lead Market Initiative in bio-based products, the industrial policy and the European Bio-economy Strategy.