ICT-BIOCHAIN & STAR-ProBio webinar – April 2nd (at 11:00 CET)

STAR-ProBio is co-organizing a joint webinar with the BBI JU project ICT-BIOCHAIN, a CSA aiming at promoting ICT, IoT and Industry 4.0 tools to enhance the efficiency of the biomass supply chain.
Luana Ladu (TUB) and Francesco Razza (Novamont) will attend the webinar and present the Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT), one of the STAR-ProBio final outputs.

#BLOG_Two interesting activities of the RoadToBio project!

Nine identified bio-based opportunities for the Chemical Industry

In the BBI-funded project RoadToBio with the main goal to develop a Roadmap to show the path to increase the bio-based share up to 25%  in the chemical industry until 2030, nine business cases that exemplify the possibilities for the chemical industry to produce more bio-based products have been identified. For further information please follow the link and listen to a webinar held by the consortium on July 11 to present these business cases.

Link: https://www.roadtobio.eu/index.php?page=webinars


Survey “Key barriers and hurdles on bio-based products – what is your opinion?”

RoadToBio wants to offer you the possibility to express your opinion on important barriers to bio-based products that hinder market uptake. Be part of the journey into a bioeconomy-based future. How? Complete the survey by the 31st August and return it back to the RoadToBio consortium.

For more information: https://www.roadtobio.eu/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=22&cntnt01origid=5&cntnt01returnid=5